My name is Chris and I have suffered from dandruff since early adulthood. I tried countless shampoos in the early days; a real crapshoot of random shampoos without really knowing what I was doing. Not surprisingly some worked but others gave me worse breakouts than before I shampooed.
I’m sure you’ve experienced all this before.
So I decided to do something about it and researched my condition. I researched the shampoos, the active ingredients and over time this site was born.
After a while, I formalized what this site stood for, and what we want to achieve and formed a manifesto.
To help keep this site running some of the links are affiliate links. What this means is, if you buy a product as a result of this click, this site earns some commission from that. At no cost to you. It keeps the place running basically.
One final thing, if your dandruff is persistent or chronic then please please please visit a dermatologist or another qualified professional. The worst thing you can do is self diagnose using Google Images and persuade yourself you have Ebola of the scalp or something. This site is not to be used for self-diagnosis. We provide a complimentary service to a qualified professional, not a replacement.